Synopsis: Atlassian, creator of the collaboration and content management software Confluence, has issued a critical security warning urging administrators to promptly patch Internet-exposed Confluence instances due to a severe security vulnerability. The vulnerability, identified as CVE-2023-22518, is categorized as an improper authorization flaw that impacts all versions of Confluence Data Center and Confluence Server software.

Although it poses a significant risk of data loss in publicly accessible situations, it does not compromise data confidentiality by allowing data exfiltration. Atlassian Cloud sites under the domain remain unaffected by this vulnerability. Atlassian has released fixes for this issue in Confluence Data Center and Server versions 7.19.16, 8.3.4, 8.4.4, 8.5.3, and 8.6.1.

Administrators are strongly advised to upgrade immediately or apply mitigation measures, including instance backups and restricting Internet access to unpatched instances.

Action: Update to the latest software version as soon as possible. In the meantime, implement protective measures such as creating instance backups and limiting internet access to unpatched instances to mitigate the threat.

Associated Articles: 
Atlassian warns of critical Confluence flaw leading to data loss 

Fortified recommends that no changes be applied to the production environment until appropriate testing is completed to ensure the stability of the environment.

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