Our Approach to Managed Cybersecurity Services

We’re all patients, and we all deserve more secure healthcare. At Fortified, strengthening the cybersecurity posture of healthcare is more than just a job, it’s our mission.


Cybersecurity Partner®

Your organization doesn’t just need a cybersecurity partner — it needs a Healthcare Cybersecurity Partner.

Providing the best healthcare isn’t just about knowing what needs to be done. It’s also about knowing how to do it. The same is true when it comes to patient protection. We built our company and service delivery model to help you:

  • Identify your individual opportunities and vulnerabilities
  • Expertly navigate healthcare-specific complexities
  • Develop a cybersecurity plan unique to your healthcare environment

But most of all, to stick with you every step of the way along your cybersecurity journey.

Business partnership meeting concept. Image businessmans handshake


Our clients come to us for our healthcare cybersecurity expertise, and they stay for our unprecedented partnership. Partnership in the form of:

We strike the right balance of people, process, and technology

Our healthcare expertise guides a personalized  framework of people, process, and technology to protect your organization from all angles. And it’s our dedicated partnership that has us by your side for the long haul.

Our team:

  • Helps you bridge security leadership and talent gaps
  • Develops modern, realistic solutions for prioritizing risk mitigation
  • Works alongside you to build sustainable, integrated solutions that drive improvements to a more secure future

The Fortified Approach.

Our team works alongside you to customize a cybersecurity program that optimizes your prior security investments and current operations while advancing new solutions to reduce risk and increase your security posture.

We address the following areas with our measured, award-winning approach:

Our Approach – 2

Cyber Made Simple

Cybersecurity can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be hard. To simplify the management of your cybersecurity program, we deliver our services through Fortified Central Command, the first unified platform offering end-to-end access to your Advisory and Threat Defense services in one single pane of glass.

Work smarter. Save time. Gain insights. Manage cyber differently.



Let’s discuss how you can manage cyber differently.

With our skilled experts and end-to-end portfolio of healthcare cybersecurity solutions, we’ll meet you where you are in your cybersecurity journey, and take you where you want to go.