While Black Hat 2024 continued to build upon what felt to me like the introduction of “AI first” cybersecurity during Black Hat 2023, there were some notable shifts in the dynamics of vendors, attendees, and the overall experience. Here’s what jumped out to me.

Vendors: Collaboration and Innovation on Display

Tech Alliances

One of the most significant changes I noticed this year was how vendors were working together as “tech alliances.” It wasn’t just about individual companies showcasing their latest offerings, but about demonstrating how their products and services seamlessly integrate with those of other vendors. This connective tissue between companies highlighted the industry’s growing emphasis on interoperability and comprehensive solutions. It was clear that the future of cybersecurity will be shaped not by a single vendor’s capability but by how flexible they can be in a client’s environment.

The Battle for Attention

Another trend was the increase in “prizes” and incentives designed to draw in potential customers and leads. The stakes were higher, with vendors pulling out all the stops to capture attention. Whether it was through impressive giveaways or exclusive demos, the competition to stand out was fierce. I will say, while it may leave a bad taste in the mouth of some, I much prefer this style of competition verses the overly enthusiastic personality approach to bringing people into their booth. Perhaps it’s the introvert in me but I’d rather not be yelled at by folks as they all try to focus my attention on their Star Wars variant themed booth.

This Year’s Buzzword

Finally, the buzzword of the year was undeniably “AI.” Nearly every vendor I interacted with had some form of AI integration in their product or service offerings. From threat detection to predictive analytics, AI was at the forefront, signaling its growing importance in the cybersecurity landscape.

There were few vendors which leveraged AI in a unique way, however. I found most were using the “basic” form of AI augmentation around searching with natural language, and that few were integrating AI directly into their platform/solution.

Attendees: Leadership and Energy Abound

The attendee profile this year appeared to me to skew more towards higher-level leadership, with more directors and above than I saw last year. This shift brought a new level of strategic discussions on the floor, as decision-makers sought out solutions that could make a real impact at the organizational level.

The energy this crowd brought to the floor was palpable. The excitement and motivation among attendees was contagious, and it was clear that people were there not just to learn but to take actionable insights back to their organizations. Of course, there were still those who were primarily there for the swag, but they were the minority compared to the motivated and focused crowd.

Overall Experience: A Marathon, Not a Sprint

As with last year, attending Black Hat is an exhausting but exhilarating marathon.

I left Black Hat 2024 exhausted but inspired, with a notebook full of ideas and connections to follow up on. The event continues to be a highlight of the year for anyone passionate about cybersecurity, and I’m already looking forward to what Black Hat 2025 will bring.